Beaumont Primary Academy

Admissions Arrangements

Choosing a school for your son or daughter is one of the most important decisions you will make in your child’s life. Our aim is to provide you with as much information as possible so that you can make the right choice for your child. If you are considering sending your child to Beaumont Primary Academy we would advise you to contact our Admissions / Office Manager, Cheryl Bradley for further information. You may also want to make an appointment to visit us and have a tour of our facilities, and have the opportunity to meet the staff.

Please also see our Academy Admissions Policy by clicking on this link

Admission Arrangements for 2025 - 26

Beaumont Primary Academy is a non-selective, independent, state funded Free School. The academy has agreed a priority admission area (PAA) with Kirklees Local Authority which is set out below. The local authority will coordinate normal round applications for entry at age 4. The academy will coordinate their own in-year applications and will participate with, in-year fair access protocols. 

When considering applications, children with a statement of Special Education Needs that names the academy or those with and Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP) will be admitted first, and under different regulations before the oversubscription criteria is applied.

 NB: The Academy shares the PAA, with the proposed new all-through Church of England voluntary controlled primary school, with nursery provision. This would mean that families who live in the PAA would have priority for admission to both schools.


Admission Number (AN)

Beaumont Primary Academy offers 90 places at age 4 and is a three form entry school. This will be the admission number for the academy (AN).

Application Process

  • Arrangements for applications for places at Beaumont Primary Academy will be made in accordance with Kirklees Local Authority co-ordinated admission arrangements.
  • An applicant must complete the on line application form via the Kirklees website portal after first creating an online account. Please visit and complete all 3 stages of the application. An applicant must be either a parent or someone who has legal responsibility for the child / children. If you wish for your child to attend Beaumont Primary Academy, you must show this on the on-line application as first preference.  You are able to contact Kirklees School Admissions on 01484 225007 for further help and a useful timeline is published on the website for parents and carers.
  • If the number of preferences received is less than the AN then all preferences will be met.
  • If there are more applications than places available at the Academy the oversubscription criteria will be applied.
  • It is very important that the form is returned by the closing date because forms received after this date will be treated as ‘late’.  Late applications are not dealt with until all those received on time have been through the application process. 

Oversubscription criteria

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places, the following priorities will apply:

  •  Children in public care  (looked after children) or a child who was previously looked after .
  •  Children who have a brother or sister attending the Academy at the time of admission. (sibling rule)  NB: (brother or sister means; a child with at least one natural or legally adopted parent being the same person).  Original documents may be requested by the Admissions Manager.
  • Children who live in the Academy’s PAA (proof of address and residency may be requested by the Admissions Manager)
  • Children who live outside the Academy’s PAA

Note:Distance is measured in a straight line from a child’s home address to the school/academy. Measurements are calculated using seven-figure grid references for each address taken from Ordnance Survey ADDRESS-POINT® data, this is supplied by Kirklees. This grid reference relates to a point that falls within the permanent building structure corresponding to the address. The boundary of the building structure for the address is derived from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data. For smaller, residential properties the grid reference denotes a point near the centre of the building. For larger properties, like schools with, for example, multiple buildings and large grounds, the grid reference relates to a point inside the main addressable building structure. The distance calculated is accurate to within 1 metre.  

Waiting lists and appeals

Where, in any year, the Academy receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate throughout the year and be maintained by the Academy. Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

When places become vacant they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria above. Waiting lists for each year will end on the last day of the summer term.

Unsuccessful applicants have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel. Please contact the academy to find out how to appeal.

Tie breaks

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the available places will be offered to those living nearest the Academy. Straight line distance will be used to measure. (see note above).

If children of multiple birth (twins and triplets) are tied for the final place in any of the categories listed above, those siblings will be admitted over AN as permitted by infant class size rules. In other cases, where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the available places will be offered to those living nearest the Academy. Straight line distance will be used to measure.

 Distance is measured in a straight line from a child’s home address to the school/academy. Measurements are calculated using seven-figure grid references for each address taken from Ordnance Survey ADDRESS-POINT® data, this is supplied by Kirklees. This grid reference relates to a point that falls within the permanent building structure corresponding to the address. The boundary of the building structure for the address is derived from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data. For smaller, residential properties the grid reference denotes a point near the centre of the building. For larger properties, like schools with, for example, multiple buildings and large grounds, the grid reference relates to a point inside the main addressable building structure. The distance calculated is accurate to within 1 metre.


In Year Admissions 

Applications for in year admissions should be made by following the instructions on the link below.  Please contact the Academy if you have any questions.


Changing school during the school year




Please click this link to view the Kirklees Council website Admission page - there is also a guide available for download which will help you complete their online portal and lots of useful information

 Timetable for admission to a Primary School for September 2025 - please click here to take you to the Kirklees website - this page tells you how to apply and useful dates to remember