Contact Us
Tel: 01484 503111
Twitter: @BeaumontPAc
Postal Address: Beaumont Primary Academy, Dryclough Road Campus, Dryclough Road, Crosland Moor, Huddersfield, HD4 5JA
All enquiries are dealt with by Miss Sharon Owen in the school office
As a parent / carer, if you require a paper copy of any information on the Academy's website, please contact the main office and we will be happy to provide this free of charge.
Beaumont Primary Academy is part of and owned by South Pennine Academies.
Sited within the grounds of Moor End Academy, South Pennine Academies registered office address and contact details are:
Pennine House, 87 Dryclough Road, Crosland Moor, Huddersfield, HD4 5JA.
Telephone: 01484 503110 / Email: