Beaumont Primary Academy

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium? 


The pupil premium is a funding grant provided by the Government directly to the school to help all pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation.  Pupils may be eligible if they are:

  • Registered for Free School Meals
  • Are, or have been in care
  • Have parents in the armed forces.

The Pupil Premium funding is used by school to improve the education and achievement of pupils who are eligible.  The more eligible children that are registered, the more funding the school will receive. 

You should still register for Free School Meals, even if your child already receives a Universal Infant Free School Meal.

Registering does not mean that your child has to have a school meal if they do not want to or if you would rather that your child had a different meal such as a packed lunch.

We do however, encourage all children at Beaumont Primary Academy to have a school lunch.