Disadvantaged Strategy
Disadvantaged Strategy
Formerly referred to as Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)
Please see our policies page for Disadvantaged Strategy documents
Background Information
Introduced in April 2011, the Disadvantaged Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that provides additional funding aimed at students from deprived backgrounds. Research has indicated that students from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their peers. The Disadvantaged Pupil Premium is provided in order to support these students in reaching their potential by accelerating their progress.
The Government has used students entitled to Free School Meals and those who are looked after as an indicator for deprivation. They have provided a fixed amount of funding to schools per student, based upon the number of pupils that have registered for Free School Meals (currently or within the previous six academic years) and those that have been looked after by the Local Authority (within the previous six months).
The amount of Disadvantaged Pupil Premium a school receives is based on the previous year's children who are entitled to this extra funding.
Beaumont Primary Academy will provide an outstanding education to a local community with a high level of social deprivation. All members of staff and governors are committed to meeting the pastoral, social and academic needs of every student irrespective of background. Pupil premium funding is therefore directed to ensuring an equality of opportunity for all learners.
When we have information about Pupil Premium Grant allocation, we will publish a full statement about how it is being used.
Sports Premium Funding
This funding is to improve the quality of provision in Sport to contribute to the health and well- being of students. Eligibility is for students from Year 1. Please see our Sports Premium page for more information.