Beaumont Primary Academy is a culturally diverse school community in a culturally diverse town. We will ensure students learn about a range of cultures and faiths, enabling them to have respect and tolerance for all. |
How we will teach RE
We will use the Kirklees syllabus to deliver the RE curriculum. Students will have opportunities to visit places of worship from different faiths and we will also invite religious leaders into school. Students will also learn that many people do not follow a faith and this will also be explored.
RE makes a powerful contribution to young people’s learning, providing them with the opportunity to explore big questions about being human, of religion and belief, and their values and ways of living which are important to them. We will not be afraid to ask big questions and we will ensure our school is a safe place to express opinions and learn from others who might have a different point of view.
The act of collective worship will be an integral part of the life of the school and will be given a high priority. It will allow students opportunity to reflect and respond to local, national and world issues as well as to develop a growing understanding of different faith and humanist groups. Collective worship will also provide an opportunity to address the school community in teaching about British values. Students will celebrate special occasions with each other.
Our RE and collective worship opportunities will contribute to a deep culture of sensitivity, cooperation and respect. Students will articulate their views, feelings and responsibilities in an unscripted and confident way, which will reflect the genuine nature of the school ethos.
In providing high quality provision of Religious Education, we know students will:
- develop self-confidence about our own beliefs and identity without fear of embarrassment.
- become aware of the impact of our ideas and behaviour on others.
- develop listening skills and a willingness to learn from others.
- value difference and diversity, and be prepared to recognise bias.
- engage in respectful and reasonable disagreement.
- ask questions about the meaning and purpose of life.
- develop curiosity and imagination.
- engage with the idea of mystery and wonder.
Articles 14 and 30 (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child)
We have the right to express our beliefs.
We have the right to practice our own culture and religion.
As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, all children are taught Religious Education (RE) at Beaumont Primary Academy. We follow the ‘Believing and Belonging’ Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Kirklees 2024. Religious Education offers a place of integrity and security within which difficult questions can be tackled in a safe but challenging context. It promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and allows the children to understand the concept of diversity. Our teaching enables pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding of both religious beliefs and non-religious world views. From this, the children can develop their own beliefs and values. We will not steer the children towards a particular belief. To strengthen our children’s knowledge and skills and to give them a chance to flourish as members of a diverse global society, assemblies will be delivered about festivals and visits will be planned to places of worship.
Children will receive a Religious Education lesson weekly which focuses on an objective from the ‘Believing and Belonging’ Agreed Syllabus. As part of the Early Years and Foundation Stage, Reception will refer to Christianity and one other religious tradition. Nursery will consider Religious Education through understanding the world. In KS1 the children will refer to Christianity, Islam and a non-religious approach. This will be further explored in KS2 as well as studying Judaism and Sikhism. When teaching Religious Education, a range of resources will be used such as artefacts, books, videos and visitors and visiting places of worship. Work will be recorded in curriculum or shared learning books and evidenced using a variety of outcomes as suggested by the Agreed Syllabus. We will ensure our school is a safe place to express opinions and learn from others who might have a different point of view.
In providing a high-quality provision of Religious Education, the children will value difference and diversity. They will be able to ask questions about the meaning and purpose in life and engage in respectful and reasonable disagreement.
RE Syllabus
believing and belonging w yorks 2024 propsed re agreed syllabus.pdf
re 24 25 revised new topics.pdf