SEND Information Report
Beaumont Primary Academy - SEND information report
Last Reviewed: 5th September 2024
Principal: Debbie Kelly
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators: Sally Tunnacliffe Fran Moorhouse, and Zoe Andrews (with NASEN qualifications – National SENDCO Award)
Email (admin):
Email (SENDCO):
Telephone: 01484 503111
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information
At Beaumont Primary Academy we are committed to making sure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. We have a strong team identity across the school, with well-being a priority for everyone.
Children who have been identified as having special educational needs and / or disabilities, can get extra help in school. This is called SEN support. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCo) at Beaumont Primary Academy are Miss Sally Tunnacliffe and Miss Fran Moorhouse (on maternity) Zoe Andrews (part time maternity cover), the SEN admin is Miss Becci Forrester . You can speak to Miss Tunnacliffe at any time if you have any worries or concerns.
Miss Sally Tunnacliffe can be contacted at the school on 01484 503111 or by email on
If the school feels that your child may need SEN support, we will discuss this with you and explain the specific support that your child will receive. It may mean that your child is supported in some of the following ways:
- Extra support from an additional adult, perhaps working alongside your child within a small group of other children
- Carefully planned activities which aim to meet your child's specific needs, agreed by the class teacher and SENCo
- Advice from professionals and / or external agencies who have a specialist knowledge, such as educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, school nurse (Locala) Early Help Assessment (EHA) Team or specialist teachers.
If your child is identified as needing SEN support, we will:
- Put a support plan in place for your child
- Review your child's progress regularly
- Have regular meetings with parents to discuss progress and future support
Click here SEND Code of Practice - SEND Reform 2014 to read more about changes to the Children and Families Act 2014.
Please find this helpful video on the Kirklees Local Offer
Kirklees Local Offer Training - YouTube
What is the Local Offer - YouTube
1) What is SEND?
Definition of Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) The SEND Code of Practice (2014) defines SEND as, “A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory academy age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she: has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream academies or mainstream post-16 institutions.” Special education provision means (CoP 2014), For a pupil over two, educational provision which is additional to, or different from, the educational provision made generally for pupils of the same age in a school or academy.
SEND provision at Beaumont
Beaumont Primary Academy has a caring multi-cultural ethos, where every pupil will achieve their potential, regardless of starting points. Pupils are encouraged to be motivated and independent learners, responsible and confident and able to contribute to the wider community. Pupils are at the centre of everything we do and all children have equal access to the curriculum, resources and support. We want all pupils to feel successful and have their personal success recognised and celebrated. We believe parents to be the experts where their children’s needs are concerned and we place our pupils and their parents at the centre of our approach. The SEND Code of Practice (2014) makes it clear that all teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND and that quality teaching in the classrooms alongside their peers is the first stage in provision for all pupils with SEND. We will offer the highest standards of provision for all of our pupils.
Our aims and approach to teaching pupils with SEND
- To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
- To ensure pupils receive a differentiated curriculum appropriate to individual need and ability.
- To ensure the identification of all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their academy life.
- To ensure that pupils with SEND take as full a part as possible in all academy activities.
- To ensure that parents of pupils with SEND are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment.
- To ensure that pupils with SEND are involved, where practicable, in decisions affecting their future SEN provision.
2) Identification of Special Educational Needs
A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision to be made for them, that is provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. The identification of SEND is built into the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all pupils. Class teachers will assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry, building on information from previous settings. Class teachers then make regular assessments of progress for all pupils identifying in particular where pupils are making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances.
Where a pupil’s progress is causing concern, this may be characterised by progress which:
- is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
- fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
- fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peer
- widens the attainment gap It can include progress in areas other than attainment – for instance where a pupil needs to make additional progress with wider development or social needs. Broad areas of need as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2014) These four broad areas give an overview of the range of needs that the academy plans for and not to fit a pupil into a category. In practice, individual children or young people often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time.
- Four areas of SEND:
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and/or Physical
The purpose of identification is to work out what action the academy needs to take, not to fit a pupil into a category. In practice, individual children often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time. In our academy, the needs of the whole child will always be considered in this process.
There are other factors that may impact on progress and attainment that are not considered SEN:
- Disability · Attendance and punctuality · Health and Welfare · English as an additional language · Being in receipt of pupil premium · Being a ‘looked after child’ · Being a child of a serviceman or service woman Any concerns relating to a child’s behaviour, may be an underlying response to a need which would need identifying through joint work between the academy and the parents.
3) Supporting children with SEND
The Graduated Approach to SEN Support
We use a personalised approach to teaching and use a variety of programs, interventions and curriculums in order to support the pupils developmentally.
Some examples we use are:
TEACCH, SCERTS, Total Communication Approach, AET, Language Steps, Nursery Narrative, NELI, Life Skills, Sensory Profiles, Engagement Model, Pre- Keystage, Precision Teaching
Identifying and adapting teaching to meet pupils’ needs is a process that is in place for all pupils. The academy has a rigorous and regular system, through regular pupil progress meetings, to identify where pupils are not making expected progress or working below national expectations. Class teachers will put in place if necessary, relevant and timely interventions, appropriate differentiation and in-class support, aimed at closing the gap or raising the attainment.
The class teacher will also to talk with parents to ensure there is a shared understanding of pupils needs and to gain parental perspective on any emerging concerns and areas of strength. The process of monitoring/assessment, planning and providing support in different ways will continue. Further academy-based resources will be explored to determine and inform provision; this may include discussion with team leaders and the academy’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Where a pupil’s needs are persistent, the class teacher will meet with the SENCo. Parents will be invited to attend this meeting and share their perspective. Where appropriate, the child’s views will be sought. If, as a result of this process, it is clear that different and additional provision is required to meet the child’s needs, the child will then be placed on the academy SEN record at ‘SEN Support’.
The parents will be informed if the academy is making special educational provision for a child. The class teacher remains responsible and accountable at all times for the progress and development of all children in his/her class, even where a child may be receiving support from a teaching assistant. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils is always seen as the first step in responding to pupils’ who may have SEN Working together, the SENCo, class teacher, parents and child (where appropriate) will select appropriate support and intervention to meet the outcomes identified for the pupil, based on reliable evidence of effectiveness. This will be delivered by staff with sufficient skills and knowledge. This SEN support will take the form of a four part cycle (assess - plan - do - review) through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupils needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. This is known as the Graduated Approach. It draws on more detailed approaches, more frequent reviews and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the SEN of a child. The effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress will be reviewed each term.
The review process will include an evaluation of the impact and quality of the support and intervention and the views of the pupil and their parents. This review will then feed back into the analysis of the pupil’s needs. The class teacher, with support from the SENCo where needed, will revise the support in light of the pupil’s progress and development, deciding on any changes to the support and targeted outcomes, in consultation with the parent and pupil. The academy can involve specialists at any point for advice regarding early identification and effective support. However, where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence based support and interventions that are matched to the pupil’s area of need, the academy will consider involving specialists, including those secured by the academy itself or from outside agencies. Parents will always be involved in any decision to involve specialists, along with the child’s class teacher and in appropriate cases, the child them self. Specialist agencies will only be contacted where parents are in agreement. It is the SENCo’s role to contact any specialist agencies and ensure that the involvement of specialists and what was discussed or agreed is recorded and shared and fully understood by parents, teaching staff and, where appropriate, the child. The involvement of specialists and what was discussed or agreed will be recorded and shared with the parents and teaching staff supporting the child.
4) How will my child’s view be taken into account?
- Children are involved in the setting of personalised targets.
- Discussions around aspirations for the future will inform the content of any personalised planning.
- Supporting Pupil Voice:
The academy recognises that all pupils have the right to be involved in making decisions and exercising choice. We aim to develop pupils’ self-advocacy skills to enable them to transfer to their next phase of education confident and able to communicate, convey, negotiate or assert their own interests, desires, needs, and rights becoming increasingly able to make informed decisions about their learning and future and take responsibility for those decisions.
How the academy will do this:
- Self-knowledge is the first step towards effective self -advocacy so, with their parents, we will support pupils to understand their strengths, needs and approaches to learning that are particularly successful for them and to have the confidence to voice their concerns, hopes and aspirations.
- Wherever possible and in an age appropriate manner, pupils with SEND are involved in monitoring and reviewing their progress are and as fully as possible in making decisions about future support and provision. They views are recorded and shared.
- All staff will actively listen to and address any concerns raised by children themselves.
- Planning in additional support for pupils at key times, for example, when considering and making a referral for a coordinated assessment for an EHC plan and to ensure smooth and successful transition into the academy or to next phase of education.
- Pupils are also provided with additional support to contribute as fully as possible in their Annual Review. This can be, for example, by attending part of the review meeting in person, preparing a statement to be shared at the meeting, using a peer advocate to support them in the meeting or by preparing a recorded presentation to share at the meeting.
- Seeking pupils’ views through regular questionnaires / group interview activities undertaken by the SENCo and / or SEND Governor, considering adjustments to keep in the light of analysis.
5) How will I be involved as a parent/carer in discussions about planning for my child’s education?
Supporting Parents/Carers of Children with SEND
The academy is fully committed to a meaningful partnership with parents of children with special educational needs where they can be as fully involved as possible in decisions and are provided with the information and support necessary to enable participation in those decisions.
The academy will do this by:
- Always making parents feel welcome and actively listening to their concerns, wishes and aspirations for their child, instilling confidence and building effective partnerships.
- Providing all information in an accessible way.
- The SENCo being available for meeting by appointment through the academy office or by email.
- Publishing information regarding how the academy implements the SEND Policy on the academy web site following the information set out in the SEN information regulations (2014) and as part of the academy’s contribution to the Local Offer. Kirklees Local Offer
- Class teachers meeting with parents, in addition to parent evening appointments, to discuss concerns regarding pupils’ progress at the earliest opportunity, raised either by the class teacher or the parents themselves.
- Class teachers will invite parents of pupils with SEND in their class at least three times a year to set and review the outcomes of support, discuss the activities and support that will help achieve them, and identify the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil and the academy. It will provide an opportunity for the parents to share their views. This meeting may part of or in addition to parents’ evening meetings and will be supported by the SENCo.
- The academy will ensure that teaching staff are supported to manage these conversations as part of their professional development.
- Support and guide parents in ways that they can help with their child’s learning and development at home.
- A record of the outcomes, action and support agreed through the discussion are kept and shared with all the appropriate academy staff and a record will be given to the pupil’s parents.
- Signposting parents to wider support, information and services pertinent to their child’s SEND by ensuring they know how to access the Local Offer and Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service.
- Consulting with a representative group of parents of pupils with SEND when reviewing the academy’s SEND Information Report (see academy web site). A paper copy will be made available to parents on request.
- Planning in additional support for parents at key times, for example, when considering and making a referral for a coordinated assessment for an EHC plan and to ensure smooth and successful transition into the academy or to next phase of education. If your child has an EHCP, this will be reviewed at a formal annual meeting.
- Seeking parents’ views through periodic questionnaires and considering adjustments to practice in the light of analysis.
6) Will my child be able to engage in the same activities as other children?
Beaumont Primary Academy has a caring multi-cultural ethos, where every pupil will achieve their potential, regardless of starting points. Pupils are encouraged to be motivated and independent learners, responsible and confident and able to contribute to the wider community. Pupils are at the centre of everything we do and all children have equal access to the curriculum, resources and support. We want all pupils to feel successful and have their personal success recognised and celebrated. We believe parents to be the experts where their children’s needs are concerned and we place our pupils and their parents at the centre of our approach. We try really hard to make sure clubs and visits are accessible to everyone. If there is a problem which might put your child at risk, the teachers at Beaumont will do everything they can to find a solution. Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.
7) How will equipment and facilities to support children and young people with SEND will be secured?
The Principal, SENCo and Governing body will establish a clear picture of the resources that are available to the academy and will consider the strategic approach to meeting SEND in the context of the total resources available, including any resources targeted at particular groups, such as the pupil premium.
8) Supporting Pupils at academy with Medical Conditions
The academy recognises that pupils at the Beaumont Primary Academy with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including academy trips and physical education. Some children with medical conditions may be disabled and where this is the case the academy will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010. Some may also have special educational needs (SEN) and may have a statement, or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan which brings together health and social care needs, as well as their special educational provision where the SEND Code of Practice (2014) is followed. In September 2014, a new duty from the Children and Families Act 2014 came into force for governing bodies to make arrangements to support children at academy with medical conditions. The aim of this policy is to make sure that all children with medical conditions (both physical and mental) are properly supported in academy so that they can play a full and active role in academy life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential. Our Medical Conditions Policy has been written following guidance published by the Department for Education
9) Assessing and reviewing progress
Monitoring and Evaluation of SEND
The academy regularly and carefully monitors and evaluates the quality and effectiveness of provision for all pupils including those with SEND. This is done through scrutiny of data related to the achievement of pupils with SEND, work scrutiny, observation and sampling of parent and pupil questionnaires. The academy’s SEND Governor also has a role in scrutinising the findings of the academy’s self-evaluation and relevant RAISEonline data as part of the Governing body’s process of monitoring the effectiveness of the academy’s SEND Information Report.
How the effectiveness of provision is evaluated?
The key responsibilities of the SENCO are taken from the SEND 0- 25 Code of Practice (2014) and include:
- Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the academy’s SEND Information Report.
- Coordinating provision for children with SEND.
- Liaising with the relevant Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) where a looked after pupil has SEND.
- Advising a on the graduated approach to providing SEN support.
- Advising on the deployment of the academy’s delegated budget and other resources to meet pupils’ needs effectively.
- Liaising with parents of pupils with SEND.
- Liaising with Early Years providers, other academies, educational psychologists, health and social care professionals, and independent or voluntary bodies.
- Being a key point of contact with external agencies, especially the local authority and its support services.
- Liaising with potential next providers of education to ensure a pupil and their parents are informed about options and a smooth transition is planned.
- Working with the Principal and academy governors to ensure that the academy meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements.
- Ensuring that the academy keeps the records of all pupils with SEND up to date
10) How are the school's resources/funding allocated and matched to children's needs?
The Academy ensures students with additional levels of funding - students who are working considerably below their peers or have complex needs - receive additional support in class, specialist interventions, support from external partners and additional specialist resources, where applicable. We carefully monitor this additional support to ensure the efficient use of resources are having a positive impact on students.
11) What is the Kirklees Local Offer?
The Local Offer has been developed as part of the new Children and Families Act. It aims to provide information on education, health and social care provision available for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs, in a way that can be accessed quickly and easily.
Who is producing the Local Offer?
Kirklees Council is working with parents, carers, young people, schools, colleges, early years providers and health services to produce the Local Offer.
What information do schools provide?
Schools have a duty to provide information about special educational needs that is accessible to pupils, parents and carers. We need to make sure this information is kept up to date.
Where can I find the Local Offer?
The Kirklees Local Offer can be found at Home | Kirklees Local Offer
This is a work in progress. Kirklees Council and partners are working hard to create a Local Offer that includes links to all relevant information that Kirklees residents would find useful. If you have any suggestions for improvements or ideas about what might help you, contact:
12) How accessible are we?
Accessibility The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), as amended by the SEN and Disability Act 2001, placed a duty on all academies, schools and LAs to plan to increase over time the accessibility of academies for disabled pupils and to implement their plans. As an academy we will discuss individual access requirements.
Please see the Academy’s Accessibility Policy and Plan on the school website; the links to open the documents are at the top of this page.
The Accessibility Plan is structured to complement and support the school’s Equality Objectives, and will similarly be published on the school website. We understand that the Local Authority will monitor the school’s activity under the Equality Act 2010 (and in particular Schedule 10 regarding Accessibility) and will advise upon the compliance with that duty. Beaumont Primary Academy is committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are committed to taking positive action in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010 with regard to disability and to developing a culture of inclusion, support and awareness within the school. Our Accessibility Plan shows how access is to be planned for disabled pupils, staff and visitors to the school within a given timeframe and anticipating the need to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs where practicable. The Accessibility Plan contains relevant and timely actions to:- Increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability, expanding the curriculum as necessary to ensure that pupils with a disability are as, equally, prepared for life as are the able bodied pupils; (If a school fails to do this they are in breach of their duties under the Equalities Act 2010); this covers teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after-school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or schools visits – it also covers the As a Rights Respecting School, the following articles taken from the UNCRC, underpin the child’s rights within this policy. Article 3: All adults should do what is best for you. When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions affect you. Article 16: You have the right to privacy. Article 23: You have the right to special care if you have a disability, as well as all the rights in the CRC, so that you can live a full life. Article 24: You have the right to the best health care possible. Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to study to the highest level you can. provision of specialist or auxiliary aids and equipment, which may assist these pupils in accessing the curriculum within a reasonable timeframe; Improve and maintain access to the physical environment of the school, adding specialist facilities as necessary – this covers improvements to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access education within a reasonable timeframe; Improve the delivery of written information to pupils, staff, parents and visitors with disabilities; examples might include hand-outs, timetables, textbooks and information about the school and school events; the information should be made available in various preferred formats within a reasonable timeframe. Whole school training will recognize the need to continue raising awareness for staff and governors on equality issues with reference to the Equality Act 2010. This Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following school policies, strategies and documents: Positive Behaviour and Relationships Policy, Parent Handbook, Academy Improvement Plan and the Special Educational Needs Policy
SENCO & Professional information and resources | Kirklees Local Offer
In addition, important links are in place with the following organisations:
- The Local Authority
- Social Care
Local Support Services for Parents:
- PCAN (Parents of Children with Additional Needs)
- Huddersfield Down Syndrome Support
- North Kirklees Autism Support Group and Friends – Contact Kath Woodhouse on 07772534625
- Kirklees Deaf Children’s Society:
- Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust: a charity supporting children’s mental and emotional health in Kirklees
- Ruddi’s Retreat: West Yorkshire charity offering a break away
- Unique (rare chromosone disorder support group) Yorkshire Facebook group
13) What specialist services and expertise are available?
Services can become involved by school referral, referral by other agencies, or directly by parental request. In all cases (except some where there may be issues of child protection) referrals require parental permission. The support given may be assessment, advice, or direct input. We ensure that provision is given to all children who require it. Equipment and provision is ordered according to identified need to ensure best access to the curriculum.
The school also recognises the essential contribution that external support services make in assisting to identify, assess, and provide for, AN pupils. A list of the support services which the school may draw upon when required and the links it has with other organisations, together with a list of support services for parents, is provided below.
We are forward thinking and pro active in contacting external agencies to support with our pupils and staff in school in order to meet all needs. We consistently have training where appropriate from different services. We work particularly closely and have training from NHS Speech and Language Therapists, and Kirklees Outreach Teams.
Links with External Agencies/Organisations
When it is considered necessary, colleagues from the following support services will be involved with SEND pupils:
- Educational psychologists
- School nursing service
- Speech therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational therapists
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs outreach services
- Hearing impairment outreach services
- Visual impairment outreach services
- Physical Impairment outreach Services
- Autism outreach services
- Primary Pupil Referral Service (Behaviour Issues)
- Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service
- Children’s Emotional Well-Being Service (CHEWS)
- Sensory Occupational Therapists
14) Emotional and Social Development
The school utilises many strategies to support the development of pupils’ social skills and enhance self-esteem, including breakfast and after-school clubs. Through RRS the acts of friendliness and good citizenship are promoted and embedded within school. Opportunities for self-esteem and nurture groups are well provided as well as providing one-to-one counselling and mentoring where necessary. Emotional literacy is the ability to understand and express feelings. This is a core offer at Beaumont. We are part of the Kirklees Keep in Mind offer (formerly mental health trailblazer) and have recieved gold.
Our ELSA's have been trained and attend supervision. They support the emotional and social development of children and young people in school through planning and delivery of programmes of support. The majority of ELSA work is delivered on an individual basis, but sometimes small group work is more appropriate, especially in the areas of social and friendship skills.
The training they have had has meant our ELSAs have learned about a broad range of topics that impact on children’s lives such as emotional literacy, social and friendship skills, loss, bereavement and family breakup.
At Beaumont Primary Academy we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so that they can learn and progress to their full potential, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our academy. If bullying does occur, we would want all pupils to feel confident to seek support from an adult and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We would expect that anyone who knows that bullying is happening will feel safe and confident to tell an adult. Please see our Anti Bullying policy.
15) How do we support pupils in moving between phases of education?
Beaumont Primary Academy is committed to working to ensure positive transitions occur. We have robust plans and procedures in place. Children and young people with SEND can become particularly anxious about “moving on” so we seek to support successful transition by:
When moving forms in school or getting a new teacher: All children will participate in Transition Days to meet their new teacher and get to know the classroom. We will share all information about special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals with their new teacher
When moving to another school: We will contact the new school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and share information about special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals.
We will ensure that all records are passed on as soon as possible.
We may also arrange:
- visits from staff from the new school to our school prior to transition to meet and/or observe the pupil in class; and/or
- additional transition visits to the new school; and/or
- additional multi-agency meetings to create a more detailed “transition plan” which may include ‘My New School’ books (with photographs, maps etc.), a staggered entry into the new school, home visits by the new school staff and any necessary adaptations or equipment requirements.
15) Governing Body and Principal
The Governing Body will, in line with SEND Information Regulations, publish information on the academy’s website about the implementation of the academy’s SEND Information Report. The information published will be updated annually and any changes to the information occurring during the year will be updated as soon as possible. A member of the Governing Body is appointed to have specific oversight of the academy’s arrangements for SEN and disability and to ensure that the full governing body is kept informed of how the academy is meeting the statutory requirements. The SEND Governor who has specific oversight of the academy’s arrangements and provision for meeting special educational needs.
The governing body will make sure that:
- They are fully involved in developing and monitoring this policy.
- All governor, especially the SEN Governor, are up-to-date and knowledgeable about the academy’s SEN provision.
- The quality of SEN provision is continually monitored.
16) Dealing with Complaints
Please see the website or ask at the office for the complaints procedure. Where parents/carers and young people disagree with elements of a final Education Health Care Plan they have a right to mediation concerning that plan. For further information, Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS) visit,
Glossary of terms
There are many SEN terms that are abbreviated which can lead to confusion.
Below is a glossary of the most used terms:
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
BESD Behavioural Emotional & Social Difficulties
CAMHS Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
CoP Code of Practice
CP Child Protection
DCD Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
EAL English as an Additional Language
EHA Early Help Assessment
EP Educational Psychologist
FSM Free Academy Meals
FLO Family Liaison Officer
HI Hearing Impairment
IEP Individual Educational Plan KS Key Stage
LA Local Authority
LAC Looked After Child
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty
OT Occupational Therapist
SALT Speech & Language Therapy
SEN Special Educational Needs
SEND Special Educational Needs & Disability
SENCo Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SpLD Specific Learning Difficulty
VI Visual Impairment