Beaumont Primary Academy

School Meals Information


At Beaumont Primary Academy we encourage all our children to eat a school dinner where possible. We offer a wide variety of choices to cater for all children's tastes and find eating a warm meal together encourages good social skills and sets them up for a great afternoon of learning.


School Meals Menu Spring Summer 2024 


Our Provider for our school meals is CaterlinkCaterlink_Logo


Freshly prepared dishes daily – We pride our self on using the highest quality products using highly trained teams to prepare and cook fresh dishes daily using raw ingredients to assemble tasty, nutritious dishes.

Food for life served here – We are proud of our Food for Life Served Here catering mark having been the first contract caterer to be accredited with the prestigious award back in 2011. We operate at Silver grade as standard across our business and serve Gold standard meals where advertised.

Local Supply – We use local suppliers and produce where possible and when in season within our menus. Organic – We source a percentage of organic meat, fruit and vegetables in line with Food for Life Served Here, Silver requirements.

British First – We have a Red Tractor and British First Policy. This means that the meat products are fully traceable from farm to fork.

Free Range – We make sure all of our Pork (where on the menu) and eggs are RSPCA Assured MSC Fish – We responsibly source fish and will bring this approach to your school. All of our fish is sourced from sustainable sources in line with guidelines set by the Marine Stewardship Council. All of our Tuna is pole and line caught, and we do not source any fish that is on the Fish to Avoid list.

Freshly Homemade Bread – We cook bread daily and also use flavoured breads to bring new flavours to your children’s palates.

Innovation and Menu Planning – In line with Children’s Food Trust recommendations, Caterlink have reduce the sugar within our desserts, ensuring that all contain 6.5g of free sugars or less.

Helping to save the planet – We have developed a number of 50% plant-based protein dishes to our menus these are also a good source of protein and help reduce green house gasses than using meat and dairy.

Plastic Reduction – We are keen to be leaders in reducing plastic within our kitchens and have removed the use of clingfilm, plastic cutlery, cups and reduced packaging from our suppliers. 


Paid School Meals 

 School dinners are priced at £2.50 per day.

Parents pay for school meals via the ParentPay app.  

Please make sure that your child has sufficient funds on their ParentPay account, to pay for the meals ordered.  

Children can choose their meals themselves during morning registration using the classroom whiteboard. Your child will make their meal selection by 9am each morning, so it is important that they are here on time.  If your child is late, they may not be able to have their preferred choice.

The software help children understand meal choices better, it encourages food learning and helps to reduce waste.


Free School Meals 

Depending on your circumstances your child may be entitled to free school meals.

If you are on a low income, and in receipt of certain benefits, your child is not only entitled to a free school meal, but also things like free milk, help towards school trips and other support. We would urge all eligible parents to apply, as this application ensures that your child's school receives the additional funds to be able to provide this. You are entitled to this additional support if you have a child in Kirklees who is in full time education, and you receive one or more of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit, but are not entitled to a Working Tax Credit and your annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) is less than £16,190
  • Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit

From September 2014, all children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (year 1 and year 2) became entitled to free school meals. This entitlement for all stops after year 2. From year 3 onwards, families who satisfy the above criteria can continue to claim free school meals for their children.

Please Click this link for more information about applying for Free School Meals. You will be redirected to the Kirklees Council Website.


School Milk 


Our new provider for milk is 'Cool Milk.' 

Cool Milk

If your child is under 5 or is eligible for free school meals (not universal infant school meals), milk is provided free if your child would like it. If your child is not eligible for free milk, the scheme is still available to your child at a cost. Please note this cost does vary depending on how many days/weeks are in a term. Please register online via the Cool Milk website and pay them directly for your child's milk. 

Pupils who partake in the ‘Milk in Schools Scheme’ benefit from a subsidy from this scheme. This represents a significant reduction in the actual cost of milk.

Their school milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting, it also bridges the gap between meals to help children stay focused