Volunteering / Work Experience
At Beaumont we welcome parents, carers and people of our community who would like to volunteer to help in class.
We are already very lucky to have a super group of volunteers, but we would love to have the chance to work with more of you. If you could spare any time each week to volunteer in school, we would love to hear from any of you. This might involve generally helping out in class, listening to readers, helping children, filing and organising resources, working outdoors and some trips.
All volunteers and work experience / work placement students must have had a DBS check before they can work in school. If you do not already have one, we can arrange this for you. Please note that there may be a cost to carry out this process. There is a section on the application form where you can indicate if you already have a DBS check in place. Please bring your DBS certificate with you when you visit for inspection.
To apply:
If you are interested, please contact the school office for more information.
Please see our contacts page on how to get in touch.
Our Commitment to Safeguarding:
All Volunteers and students are required to complete an induction and safeguarding training
You will also be asked to read the following Department for Education document on your first day with Academy and as part of your induction Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024. If you would like to familiarise yourself with this document, please click the link above.
You will be given a full induction on your first day with us, the Induction Procedure document is listed above.
You can also find more useful information on our Safeguarding Page.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your interest.